What does the zodiac sign say about your fitness?


We all try to lead a fit and healthy life and our zodiac signs can help us stay on the right track. While staying healthy isn’t most definitely easy, knowing about your strengths, weaknesses, and resilience, health prediction can help you get clarity on what may be a better dietary regime or workout style for you.


Aries are bold, adventurous, headstrong, and passionate, by virtue of their nature, they are always on the move. Activities like boxing, weightlifting, martial arts, and football, would suit them better results. Aries like spicy food and because of that, they get anxiety, acidity, acne, piles, hypertension, heart diseases, or inflammation. They should have more lemon, yogurt, and green vegetables. Soya beans, mustard, cloves, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, lemon iced tea, and lots of water should be added to their diet as it is an important vitamin E that is essential for them.


Taurus is known for being a calm stabilizer and grounded with tremendous patience. They can choose exercises like cycling, swinging, walking, and swimming in a natural environment rather than a closed or in-house arrangement as nature is the greatest temptation to them. Activities like dancing, walking, and gardening will appeal to them more. They are prone to obesity, tonsillitis, sensitive throat inflammations, and thyroid, they should avoid excess sugar, rice, milk products, sour food, fermented food, and excessive carbohydrates. They should add more soups and boiled vegetables along with incorporating a high protein diet.


Gemini is for being a clever alert thinker. Gemini is for being a clever alert thinker. These people love to stay fit and like to work out in a group. Activities like gymnastics, cycling, swimming, aerobics, dancing, and tennis are ideal for them. Breathing exercises like pranayama are a must for them but they tend to avoid them due to restlessness in their nature. They are prone to chest disorder, asthma, cough, nervous disorder, dry skin, and insomnia, hence ideal food for them would be steamed vegetables, nuts, high nutrients, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. They should add garlic, ginger, pear, oranges, and yogurt to their meals.


Cancer would be motivated to lose weight if dieting and nutrition became a family affair where everyone was involved in maintaining healthy habits in sync with theirs. They should do more water sports like swimming, stretching exercises along with working out is a good idea as they tend to gain weight around the midsections. They have a slow metabolism and poor digestion, because of which they are prone to skin diseases, diabetes, ulcers, heart burns, gastric disorders, asthma, and diarrhea. They should eat steamed vegetables, nuts, and more fruits, olive leaves, garlic, melon, cucumber, and cabbage.


Being fervent about music, they would find aerobic dance interesting. Preferably in the morning, their workout routine should be in the fresh air, yoga, and brisk walking would help them in this regard. They are prone to heart attack, spinal problems, intestine, gall bladder, fevers, digestive trouble, and migraine, they should go for home-cooked food rich in calcium and protein, dairy products, oranges, apples, nuts, and salads are the most important.


Virgo is tender being, known for their perfectionism all around. They cannot stay at rest for long and would love to work out in the gym.  They are obviously capable of high-endurance exercises like long-distance running, cycling, football, squash, cricket, gymnastics, and rock climbing. They should avoid street food and should have more calcium in their diet along with green beans and mushrooms. Spinach, broccoli, and cabbage are important for them their digestive system as well as garlic to avoid arthritis.


Libras should focus on gentle fitness options cardio and stretching. They are prone to dry skin, insomnia, diabetes, urinary tract infection, and venereal disease. It is advisable for them to have a lot of water, juices, and soups in their diet. Steamed food, garlic, ginger, and yogurt are also especially important in their diet. They should avoid sugar and concentrated dairy products and add apples and almonds.


Scorpions are intense and hence require fitness activities like boxing, martial arts, yoga, and stretching as they are prone. Scorpions should totally avoid spicy food, and high-fat dry fruits as they are prone to piles, and other renal infections. Consumption of pulses should also be restricted and take food that is high in iron like bananas, spinach, and apples.


They should concentrate on the upper thighs in their fitness regime as they are prone to diseases of hips and thighs, obesity, liver disorders, and diabetes. They should avoid junk food, all spices, fats of all kinds, and excessive sweet products. They should add whole grains, green vegetables, garlic, ginger, melons, papaya, guava, and oranges to their diet. 


They should ignore doing any activity that could harm their knees, bones, and joints. They are prone to arthritis, knee injuries, bone disease, acidity, and sinusitis. They should add more hot soups, mushrooms, seafood, fruits, and food rich in calcium and vitamin. They should elude beer, aerated drinks, stale juices, stale food, white bread, and flour.


Aquarians improving blood circulation is especially important for them so activities like running, and swimming, are best for them. They are prone to backbone problems, lower leg injuries, blood disorders, and swollen ankles. They should avoid food with too much starch and should eat brown rice, sprouts, green vegetables, fish and fruit of any kind, mushrooms, and fish stew on a regular basis.


Pisces should go for yoga, dance, and water sports fitness regime that would bring balance and peace to their lives. They have a weak immune system therefore, they should consume fruits and vegetables that contain high fiber and roughage. Cold drinks, spicy food, and natural dietaries should be avoided and should increase water intake in their diet. If you have any doubts about your health then talk to astrologers.


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